Trojans and ransoms and backups, oh my!

Data loss can be a business killer. There’s a simple test for how badly you need good backups: Imagine all your computers are irrecoverably gone. Just – gone. Did you shrug? Gulp? Or clutch your chest? If the last, you need good backups 🙂 Now let me tell you about ransomware, trojans and backups… Continue reading

Malware and the question that never gets asked

Just read this article on the ABC website, about securing your enterprise against malware. They gave great advice – “detect and block at the perimeter and inside the network”, “assess and protect endpoints”, “analyse threats through context”, “eradicate malware and prevent reinfection”, “remediate attacks with retrospective security” and “be sure to implement integrated rules on the perimeter security gateway”. But one important bit of advice was missing.

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